viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure

  1. Canvas: Drawing Board (Tested in FF 3.01+, Safari 4.0b, Opera 9.62, Chrome 2.0)
  2. Canvas: 1st-Person Gifter (Tested in FF 3.01+, Safari 4.0b, Opera 9.62, Chrome 2.0)
  3. Canvas: Bespin (Tested in FF 3.01+, Safari 4.0b, Chrome 2.0)

  4. Video: Basic Player (Tested in FF 3.5b4+, Opera 9.62 [w/out CSS rotate])
  5. Video: YouTube (Tested in Safari 4.0b; pls wait while page loads)

  6. Geolocation: Google Maps (Tested in FF 3.5b4+)
  7. Geolocation: Google Latitude (Tested in iPhone 3.0)

  8. DB and App Cache: Stickies (Tested in Safari 4.0b)
  9. DB and App Cache: Gmail for mobile (Tested in iPhone 2.2.1+, Android 1.1+)

  10. Workers: Bad Primes (Tested in FF 3.5b4+, Safari 4.0b)
  11. Workers: Good Primes (Tested in FF 3.5b4+, Safari 4.0b)
  12. Workers: Motion Tracker (Tested in FF 3.1b3, FF Nightly)

Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure

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